They say the only constants in life are death and taxes, whoever wrote that clearly forgot the passage of time. The call of the Diederik cuckoo is becoming fainter and the shrill “chip chrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” of the woodland kingfisher disrupts the peaceful ebb and flow of bush less each day.

Summer in the lowveld is drawing to an end and the frosted bite of winter is on its way. The sun rises later and sets earlier with each passing day and that means it’s time for a change to the safariLIVE schedule. As of Monday 18 Feb the sunrise safari will begin 30 minutes later than currently scheduled. We always want to make sure you’re out and about when the animals are at their most active! We will also be returning to the usual sunset safari full three hour schedule as our SABC TV series draws to a close this Sunday, 17 Feb.

Get you early morning teas and coffees ready, the wild is waiting!

Please see the updated safariLIVE start times for your time zone below:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Sunrise Safari Start: 05:30
End: 08:30
Start: 03:30
End: 06:30
Start: 22:30
End: 01:30
Start: 19:30
End: 22:30

Tuesday and Friday

Sunrise Safari
(Live Drone)
Start: 04:30
End: 07:30
Start: 02:30
End: 05:30
Start: 21:30
End: 00:30
Start: 18:30
End: 21:30