WildEarth Shop

We bring you sustainable, high quality and easily accessible products across the planet.

Shop our collections

Being in nature

WildEarth’s mission is to make you feel like you are in nature and feel connected to your surroundings.

Animal characters

We create special prints for some of our most beloved animals. Follow up for updates as we release new characters over time.

Special events (e.g. Earth Day, Leopard Day)

As we celebrate some of the most important days of the year together with you we’ll be releasing dedicated prints for you to join the party.

Special access products

These exclusive prints can only be purchased by our Explorer community. Be part of the crew!

Our Shops

To cater to our different viewer communities we have set up three online shops with unique items!

Explore our merchandising collections in the shop closest to your region.

Teespring is based in the US, offers premium products, and is best suited for shipping within North America.

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Teemill is based in the UK and most suited for shipments within Europe and offers organic materials, circular products, and unique designs.

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Teeprint is based in South Africa, offers the local designs and is most suited for shipments there.