Now that our birthday has passed and submissions for the WildEarth book have closed, we thought we’d provide you with an update on what we are doing and what you can expect.

We have really enjoyed receiving all the great stories and comments you contributed for the book and are now working hard on putting them together with loads of beautiful images. At the same time, now that we know how many books need to be printed and to which locations they need to be shipped, we are finalising the printing and shipping arrangements. As soon as we’ve completed these we will reach out to everyone who’s placed an order with expected delivery timings and costs. Our goal is to share this information on or before May 18th.

If you’ve chosen to only receive the e-book there will, of course, be no further costs, but for the coffee table book, as per the website, there is a second payment due to cover printing and shipping costs.

This book is going to be great thanks to all of you who’ve sent in their stories and comments! Thank you for this and thank you to all who’ve supported us by purchasing one or more copies of the book. This book is as much yours as ours and we look forward to sharing it with you.

If you have not secured your copy of the book yet, you can still do so until one minute before midnight South African time on Sunday, May 9th. Don’t miss it, as we are not planning further print runs of this book at later dates. Find out how to get yours here: