Join us for a new WE experiment


Many of our club members will know that one of the problems we have had while trying to sell safariLIVE is that WE cannot deliver a daylight safari from Africa LIVE in US and UK primetime schedules. And, unfortunately, a nocturnal safari just does not deliver on expectations.

We have, therefore, decided to try out a new format where we show the footage as-LIVE but our experts still chat LIVE about what we are seeing. In addition to this, we have invited the people who witnessed the events to chat with our experts LIVE about their experience and what it meant to them.

This does not mean we will stop doing our daily LIVE shows from Djuma. What it does mean is that we will be doing some new tests over the coming weeks in addition to our daily shows. The first of these tests will be tomorrow (Thursday, December 12th) at 6.30 PM CAT, which is 11.30 AM EST. They will be broadcast on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Lauren and Steve will be looking at wildlife sightings that have been filmed above and below the water. Lauren, of course, will take the underwater sightings which involve some up-close and personal footage of sharks. Lukas Walter (who was in the water with the sharks) is a long-time viewer of WildEarth, and he will be on Skype LIVE during the broadcast to chat with Lauren about his experiences, and together they will discuss the sightings.

Steve will take the two land-based sightings. One is from right here in South Africa and involves an elephant coming into a campsite. The witness who will be chatting with Steve LIVE via skype will be Mike Wellstead. The other sighting was filmed in Yellowstone National Park and involves a bear coming extremely close to someone’s car. That someone is Valerie, and she will be LIVE on Skype with Steve, too.

To do these tests, we will stop the Sunset Safari from Djuma at 6 PM CAT so that Steve and Lauren can get back to final control and be ready to go LIVE again at 6.30 PM CAT.

This is a brand-new concept and no doubt there will be things to iron out and improve upon from these tests,  so please bear with us. We will broadcast all four sightings LIVE on YouTube. Facebook and Twitter as separate little shows for all of you to watch and give us feedback on.


Sunset safari start 4:00 PM   9:00 AM   6:00 AM 2:00 PM
Sunset safari end 6:00 PM 11:00 AM   8:00 AM 4:00 PM
Wildlife moments test 6.30 PM 11.30 AM   8.30 AM 4.30 PM