Like many of our viewers, Jeremy Walden found safariLIVE by chance. He was browsing streams, looking for animal content, when he happened upon us on Ustream. Since that day in 2011, he has joined us on the safari vehicle.

“I’ve always been into live broadcasts for awhile now. I have seen several broadcast mediums from startup to breakdown. The interaction and live entertainment has brought me more and more out of my shell,” he says.

Of his favourite sightings, Jeremy loves the live hunts the most. “I’ve always been interested in the hunts. Watching predators hunt their prey. I also enjoy watching the prey managing to escape. So far my absolute favorite is when the lions were trying to take down a water buck and an elephant heard its cries and ran in to assist.”

He hopes to one day visit the incredibly active area of Djuma Private Game Reserve, as he has spent hours viewing the Djuma Dam cam, and he has “seen a lot of action there”. He now “always” recommends to others that they do the same.

If you have an interesting story to tell about your #safariLIVE or WildEarth experience, and would like to be featured in a future #safariLIVE Viewer Profile, contact us with your contributions, photo and video submissions at . You could be interviewed next!