Sue Templeton-Deschene, a dedicated safariLIVE viewer, is a writer, editor and photographer based in Nova Scotia. She has had the chance to photograph and write many stories over the course of her career. It only seems fitting that the images and stories from our live drives should resonate with her deeply.

“The most amazing thing about the live drives, for me, is that the guides and camera personnel can witness the lives of these animals in such an unobtrusive way. We see the animals going about their business pretty much as they would if the vehicle weren’t there. That is an extraordinary gift for us all!”

Born in Indiana, Sue studied journalism and music and worked as a reporter for 10 years before moving to Canada. She now works as a freelance newspaper reporter and photographer. If you’ve ever visited the Facebook pages for WildEarth.TV and safariLIVE, you’re likely to have seen Sue’s many posted screenshots.

From safariLIVE 15/02/2016, screenshot by Sue Templeton-Deschene

“I love taking screenshots of the live drives. Even though it is time-consuming, my journalistic nature drives me to pin things down. And the fact that I am also a photographer means I enjoy getting the best screenshot I possibly can…something made quite easy by all the remarkable photographic work safariLIVE’s camera crew provides for us, day in and day out. That’s why I really enjoy watching the drives via YouTube, because it allows me to ‘rewind’ if I miss a great screenshot, as the action is happening.”

Sue would love to the visit Djuma Private Game Reserve and Arathusa Safari Lodge to see where the magic happens and photograph the beautiful subjects and landscapes in person, that have “inspired that dream” in her. WE hope she gets to visit the Sabi Sands someday to capture even more incredible images.

If you have an interesting story to tell about your #safariLIVE experience, and would like to be featured in a future #safariLIVE Viewer Profile, contact us with your contributions, photo and video submissions at . You could be interviewed next!