As humans, time is of such importance to us. We set our watch by it, plan our lives by it and even use it to measure the very story and universal existence of ‘us’. In nature, our nature, I think time is in most ways non-existent. It is either the imminent now. . .the warning bark of a kudu, the blink of an eye, the explosive impact of rain on earth. . . or, it is the timeless patience of nature herself, removed from what we humans could calculate in seconds, days or years. Nature is not as timeless as beauty, she is beauty, is passion, is joy. . .whatever WE can think of, dream of, speak of. . .it is all in our nature. As are WE.
Whether or weather it is an awesome sunset, or the arrival of a new life WE all hope to share. An elephant, or a cub or a child, WE embrace new beginnings,WE smile with warm hearts at others past, see the sunset and remember the sunrise of tomorrow. All is in our nature, it is natural!
Now, this leaves me with all the time in the world to get back to my first reason for writing these words to you. I speak for everyone in the WE camp in saying:”Thank you for all the well wishes for 2009, WE are all excited about what this next journey around the sun will bring. WE can look back at all the moments shared before and WE can look ahead with great anticipation and excitement to the adventures and moments of OUR future. As WE stand still for a moment,and reflect in the mirrors of yesterday and tomorrow, WE can all smile. WE are doing well and more importantly, WE are friends in more ways than can yet be understood. Thank you for being you in WE.”
From everyone in camp over New Year’s and everyone from WildEarth, from Lieschen, Rexon, Simon, Liesbeth and myself, from Piet, Herman, Siphiwe and from Graham and Emily. We wish you an amazing 2009, WE are going to have the time of our LIVE’s, fun and share many adventures together. All of which is in our nature!
Pieter Pretorius.