Christmas is coming and WE need your help. Not every child in Dixie will get a Christmas present this year. You see most of their parents will struggle to put food on the table let alone get a present for their kids. Lets help them out and make sure that no child is forgotten this year.
The WEangels managed to take all the youngest kids to the movies last month, lets see if WE can get enough money together so that every child in the little village of Dixie gets a present from the WildEarth Angels. Please make your donations via PayPal ( ) to  
Rexon is making a list of all the kids (we think about 80) under the age of 14. Then we will make an age appropriate hamper of gifts for each child. WE will buy the gifts here in Johannesburg South Africa and then transport them down to Dixie in time for Christmas day. 

But thats not all WE want to do … 
Every Christmas Rex, and the other Dixie folk with jobs, help out those who have no money. They buy them food for their families so they can also have a Christmas. This year that won’t be necessary, because the WEangels are coming … WE are going to buy 3 cattle, rent a tent, buy a lot of mielie pap, salad makings, soda and put on a Christmas lunch that will feed everyone in the village properly. And WE are going to be there LIVE. Thats right, all of us at WildEarth have decided to cancel our normal activities on Christmas day and WE will be taking the Jiga to Dixie so that you can watch as each child gets their gift hamper. You will be there for the festivities and dancing. You will be a part of the party.Lets make Christmas at Dixie special this year. Lets make it the beginning of a tradition to ensure that the residents of this far away little village in the middle of Africa knows that the world cares. Please make your donations via PayPal ( ) to  

If you cannot afford to donate money, thats OK, but maybe you could help out in other ways. Please help promote this project. Join our Facebook cause, get your friends to join. Get your parents involved. Talk about this project with everyone you know. WE don’t need much money … maybe about $3000.00. I am sure if all of us get the word out we will get the money … to once again change the lives of those less fortunate. 
Come on lets make a difference … it’s in our nature.

I would also like to thank all of you that wrote such special words about us on the “sometimes we forget” forum. I know that I speak for the whole crew when I say that: “this is why WE do what WE do. WE do it for you.” A special thank you to Patty for starting this outpouring of love.

You are all part of our family now, and its great to know that we matter to you. As you know, the WildEarth team work very hard, with very little. It is the knowledge that you are out there, relying on us to keep broadcasting no matter what, that motivates us when things break, and when we are tired. It is your appreciation that gets us up when we fall. 
WE feel that you are there all the time and it keeps us going when there sometimes seems to be no other reason.
Thank you.