WE are proud to announce the second new show of the week … WEchat. 
It’s exactly what it sounds like, an opportunity to chat with our presenters LIVE. Starting tomorrow  at 10h30 CAT (Central African Time) and every week day thereafter you will be able to log on to the specially created new chat room in the WE social network and chat with one of our presenters for an hour. There is no real format to this show, you can just chat away. Ask questions about the animals, the safaris, the camp, the crew, etc. On Tuesday and Wednesday Pieter will present WEchat, and then from Thursday morning Texan will take over while Pieter does the WEwalk show and Rex is on leave.
WE obviously realise that the time of day for this show is just not great for our North American audience, but it is really good for our European audience and WE hope that the Europeans will record it for those that are sleeping so they can watch it in the video section of the social network when they wake up. Global team work … it’s in our nature.