Well its finally happened, WildEarth has begun the transition to Flash. You can go and take a look at the beginnings of our new website here. (The address www.member4.mystagingwebsite.com will take you to the site, but it will be another 24 hours or so before this address has propagated through the net and is working properly.)
WE are encoding the video and audio in the new Flash H.264 codec (you will need version 9 of Flash), which allows for slightly better quality for the same bandwidth, but also far more flexibility in terms of things like archiving, mashing, advertising, etc.
The existing two Windows Media 9 streams (Los Angeles and South Africa) will continue for a while longer so that you can still ‘rip’ the video for your mash ups, because we understand that it is not as easy to record the Flash stream. In time however WE will add functionality that is going to make this super easy and fun.
If you have any comments, concerns or thoughts about the new site or the new stream please either bring it up on one of the forums in the WildEarth social network or mail
WE appreciate all your support over the past year and a half while WE waited for a website of our own, but now we are there AND we have the capacity to serve many many thousands of viewers simultaneously. So the time has finally come to begin promoting WildEarth.TV. WE would like to ask you, our dedicated viewers, to help us. Please tell all your friends (and anyone else) about us and ask them to join you LIVE in Africa on safari at www.member4.mystagingwebsite.com. Lets see how big and successful WE can make this together … it truly is in our nature!