Hyenas, hyenas, hyenas! This week is all about these fabulous, though often maligned and misunderstood creatures. Join us as WE bring you our Hyena Hullabaloo for a week of hyena madness!

WE have all the ladies ready to guide you on a week of safaris that will be filled with our favourite characters and hyena highlights as they debate what the Djuma clan’s cubs will be named. Join Trishala, Tayla, Ale and Tessa as the name suggestions fly!

Make sure you vote for your favourite hyena baby names at wildearth.tv/hyena. In order to vote, please register at wildearth.tv and once you are registered, you can be part of the big reveal! Join our Fireside Chat on 18th June at 7:30pm CAT, where WE will be unveiling the winning names of the cubs! This chat will be open to all our registered WildEarth fans. Make sure you wear your “I Named A Baby Hyena” shirt with pride on naming day to celebrate your contribution to the Djuma clan. If you haven’t ordered your special hyena shirt yet, click here wildearth.tv/shop to see our new hyena range.

Trishala will be doing an AMA on 15th June. Sign up to be an Explorer and you can join Trish at Djuma and ask her anything. 

Ending off the week we will be celebrating Wild Dads as Father’s Day is celebrated on 19th June at 6:40pm CAT. Join James Hendry and Ale Olivieri as they celebrate all things masculine in the bush in this exclusive Fireside Chat, for Explorers only!

If you want to give your dad a special gift and he fancies himself as a bit of a survivalist, make sure you check out our Dad vs Wild range of merchandise at wildearth.tv/shop.

Here’s to another wild and wonderful week of bush magic.