With the Gauntlet drawing to a close it is time to pick up other activities that for a little while took a back seat. One of these is the campaign to provide rural schools around the Sabi Sands with some computer equipment, an internet connection and a means of being part of safariLIVE.

We asked for your help with raising the necessary funds for this through the ‘Thandi-Tlalamba’ campaign. As always, this request did not fall on deaf ears! Thanks to your generous support a total of $5,909,04 has been raised for this initiative. It is truly a privilege to have such a dedicated and supportive viewing community!

This will make it possible to achieve the initiatives set goals and this will make a great contribution to the children’s education and, importantly, also get them to connect with the animals they live so near to but would otherwise possibly not get to see.

From WildEarth, Djuma, Conservation Africa and the communities this will support: Thank you very much!

The next step is to start sourcing equipment and aim to have it installed and working during September. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page, website and YouTube channel for a video update to follow within the next few weeks.