As most of you know, an elephant died on Djuma recently and its carcass is still present close to Twin Dams. A carcass of this size will cause lots of activity for a couple of weeks and therefore we thought it might be interesting to install a temporary camera near it. Thee stream will provide an insight into how nature recycles the valuable nutrients in a way that helps many other species survive.

In order to be able to stream from here Conrad, with great on-site support from Brent and Tristan, installed a special wifi link and the Nest cam we still had in our Tech room. Note that this is a static cam without zoomies so it can not move or zoom.

The system is now operational and can be watched at We will leave the camera active as long as there are interesting activities to be seen. Note that we might put it off-line at times in order to be able to swap out batteries or when human guests come into view.

Finally, a special thanks for Jurie and Pippa Moolman for their permission to install and run this special feed.