The drives are back in colour, which is really great!! Pete brought down a new video switch, while not as fancy as the last one, at least it works all the time. He also brought down a brand new digital jacket. Now what is a ‘digital jacket’ you might ask? Well, to be totally honest it is a name I just made up, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t really exciting and cool. As you have all noticed the WEwalk is a great idea, but the video and audio quality is horrific, and that is because the system WE were using was a very old anologue system. (In fact it as an old system that Emily and I used in the Serengeti when we did a series for National Geographic.) Anyway, it had to go and it has. The new ‘digital jacket’ is a cutting edge system that the camera man wears and it will be able to get a full TV quality video/audio stream back to the Jigga, from the WEwalk team, at the standard that WE demand from our equipment … but sometimes don’t get.

Also, Pete is going to be putting the finishing touches to the LIVE GPS service from the Jigga. so hopefully as soon as tomorrow you will be able to follow the game drive’s exact position in real time. The minute that this system is working, I will let everyone know how to get it.
WE have received a phenomenol $2140.00 for the project to take the kids from Dixie to the movies!!! Far more than we planned or expected. This has allowed us to take many more kids, and we are also planning to get each of them a T-Shirt, and maybe more … (I will keep you updated on our arrangements and of course make sure you feel like you are there with us on the day.)
There are some WEangels that have requested to remain annonymous, and WE will of course respect this. I would like to extend a very sincere thank you to all of you that decided to help our humble little project to take some underpriveleged kids in Africa to the movies for an experience of a lifetime. I know that this project came at a time when many people around the world are very uncertain about the financial and political systems everywhere, and I think it is a testimony to the kindness of people that come on safari with us LIVE, that they could find it in their hearts to help the less fortunate in a time of their own relative darkness. You are all truly special people, you are WEangels and I am so grateful that it is in your nature.
This project has taught me something about what WE do, and more importantly, what WE can do. I think that it is the beginning of something special and very meaningful. I promise that this will not be the last time that you hear of the army of WEangels.