This was a spectacular week for WildEarth with some amazing sightings. The best one for me was the angry bull elephant in musth. I will never forget the excitement and fear that it conjured up watching poor Alex and Marco as they drove away with an elephant metres behind. Another spectacular sighting was the meeting of the hyena and zebra in front of Rexon’s vehicle. I couldn’t believe how little tension there was between these two, it was almost like a social event. Thanks to everyone who used their creative skills and put together a montage of the weeks sightings. Marco, as usual put together an awesome behind the scenes package, I particularly enjoyed the weighing of the buffalo horns. I must admit those horns really suited him! I am also pleased that Graham and I had a chance to tell you a bit about what the WildEarth journey has been like for us.

Sagresta’s weekly highlights was my favourite this week. As usual she created a brilliant and entertaining look at the weeks sightings. I especially enjoyed the end. It was a very funny moment when Marco drove into that bush and I thought that putting it at the end was a great idea. I think that is what I enjoy most about your videos Sagresta, you always manage to add a little bit of humour. Thanks and well done.

Weekly Highlights by Sagresta.

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