The Cat Report 10 – 17 September

Saturday the 10th of September The day began blustery and overcast. Strong gusts of cool air swirled bone dry dust high into the atmosphere. James was out on foot exploring a few of the smaller things when a flick of white fluff caught his attention. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the fuzzy [...]

By |2017-11-26T19:43:23+00:00September 18th, 2016|cat-report|Comments Off on The Cat Report 10 – 17 September

safariLIVE goes to the Mara

Some more wonderful news safarians! As most of you will already know by now, WE are headed back to the Mara Triangle for a five day long spectacle of the great wildebeest migration. Our expert safari guide James Hendry will be the lucky migration hero who will guide us through this incredible one time event! [...]

By |2017-11-26T19:43:23+00:00September 18th, 2016|safariLIVE|Comments Off on safariLIVE goes to the Mara

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